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What Does a Tooth Extraction Feel Like?

August 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — northborough @ 5:20 pm
Dentist and dental patient talking about tooth extraction in Northborough

Under ideal circumstances, you would be able to retain all of your natural teeth throughout your lifetime. However, there are some situations in which a tooth extraction in Northborough becomes necessary. If your dentist has recommended this procedure for you, it is normal if you feel a little nervous about it. The following information could serve to put your mind at ease; it walks you through what you can expect to experience before, during, and immediately after the extraction.


Will Tooth Extractions Make Gum Disease Go Away?

August 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — northborough @ 4:27 pm
Frowning, concerned woman thinking about gum disease in Northborough

Gum disease in Northborough can be a devastating condition. It can make it difficult to eat a balanced diet, smile with confidence, and maintain your overall health. If you are struggling with an advanced form of this problem, it is urgent that you visit a qualified dental professional as soon as possible. They might recommend tooth extractions as part of your treatment plan. This blog post explores the role of tooth removal in managing advanced gum disease.
